Tuesday, July 15, 2014

AsteriskNow 3.0.1

I wanted a phone system for an small company and I chose AsteriskNow because is just asterisk and freepbx, nothing more. I am going to use Polycom 330 phones and a TDM410 with four FXO and echo cancellation card.

Install cdrom.
Check connectivity.
Yum update.
nano /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s -c -v /tftpboot
disable = no
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2
flags = IPv4

-c allows create new files
-v logs into /var/log/messages
disable was yes, must be changed to no
server_args was pointing to /var/lib/tftpboot, must be to /tftpboot

service xinetd restart

Use the web interface, in the first execution ask about create an administrator user and password.
Admin, module admin, marcar “basic” “extended” “unsupported”, check online, process button.
Admin, module admin, marcar “OSS PBX End Point Manager”, process button.
Connectivity, “OSS End Point Advance Setting”
set IP address of phone server
set Time Zone
set Time Server to 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org
when you click button “update globals” you must get “updated”. In case of error, check.
Connectivity, “OSS End Point Package Manager”, install Polycom, install firmware “SoundPoint IP 3xx [320,330]”, enable “SoundPoint IP 330”.

Phones need to find a tftp server to download provisioning. You can do it manually by using the phone menu, or using a dhcp which pass the parameter. With windows dhcp, use the option 66 with parameter “tftp://”. For VyOS “set service dhcp-server shared-network-name CASA subnet tftp-server-name”.
Them, connectivity, “OSS End Point Device List”, search. It is likely that your test phone appears and link it to any extension created.

At this point, check your tftpboot folder and change permissions for logs subfolder to 777 and delete any files inside logs with length 0. Your phone must have solid black the icon and you can check your connection with asterisk dialing “*65+line1” hearing your extension number.

Reference tail /var/log/messages. Connection refused looks weird because everything is OK. I do not why these messages.

Jul 15 14:42:20 localhost in.tftpd[3021]: RRQ from filename 2345-12200-001.bootrom.ld
Jul 15 14:42:20 localhost in.tftpd[3022]: RRQ from filename 0004f21a2ac5.cfg
Jul 15 14:42:21 localhost in.tftpd[3021]: tftpd: read(ack): Connection refused
Jul 15 14:42:21 localhost in.tftpd[3023]: RRQ from filename 2345-12200-001.sip.ld
Jul 15 14:42:22 localhost in.tftpd[3023]: tftpd: read(ack): Connection refused
Jul 15 14:42:26 localhost in.tftpd[3024]: WRQ from filename logs/0004f21a2ac5-boot.log
Jul 15 14:42:57 localhost in.tftpd[3025]: RRQ from filename 2345-12200-001.bootrom.ld
Jul 15 14:42:58 localhost in.tftpd[3025]: tftpd: read(ack): Connection refused
Jul 15 14:42:58 localhost in.tftpd[3026]: RRQ from filename 0004f21a2ac5.cfg
Jul 15 14:42:59 localhost in.tftpd[3027]: RRQ from filename 2345-12200-001.sip.ld
Jul 15 14:43:00 localhost in.tftpd[3027]: tftpd: read(ack): Connection refused
Jul 15 14:43:00 localhost in.tftpd[3028]: RRQ from filename 0004f21a2ac5_reg.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:02 localhost in.tftpd[3029]: RRQ from filename sip_3333.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:06 localhost in.tftpd[3030]: RRQ from filename overrides/0004f21a2ac5-phone.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:07 localhost in.tftpd[3031]: RRQ from filename overrides/0004f21a2ac5-web.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:08 localhost in.tftpd[3032]: RRQ from filename licenses/000000000000-license.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:08 localhost in.tftpd[3033]: RRQ from filename licenses/0004f21a2ac5-license.cfg
Jul 15 14:43:08 localhost in.tftpd[3034]: RRQ from filename contacts/0004f21a2ac5-directory.xml
Jul 15 14:43:13 localhost in.tftpd[3035]: WRQ from filename logs/0004f21a2ac5-app.log

Now, we need both lines registered with asterisk. Go,
Connectivity, “OSS End Point Template Manager”, Add new template, template name=two-lines, product select=Soundpoint IP 3xxx, clone template from=SoundPouint IP 330, save.
In current templates, edit, $mac_reg.cfg, find a line like this
replace it with

Connectivity, “OSS End Point Device List”, select two-lines template for each phone.